Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Busy Time of Year
We have been busy busy!!! I was off the week of Christmas so I enjoyed lots of snuggles with my favorite 4 year old. We went to my sister-in-laws on Christmas Eve and enjoyed Gumbo and sugar cookies. Christmas morning, Parker woke up so excited to see what Santa bought him. He told me that Santa must have thought he had been really good because he brought him a lot of toys. Silly boy! All of my pictures are on my good camera and I haven't taken the time to upload them. We went back to my sister-in-laws for a yummy lunch. I did manage to get a family picture!
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Pancakes with Santa and Christmas Fest
This weekend, I was able to fulfill one of my mommy dreams. Our local town celebrated Christmas all weekend with lots of Arts and Crafts and a parade. Parker and I woke up early on Saturday and went to a local church for Pancakes with Santa. It was so much fun. I remember seeing all the Santa breakfast pictures prior to us deciding to have a baby and I use to think how much fun it would be to go with our child. Daddy was out of town hunting for the weekend so it was a Mommy and Parker weekend!
Guess what he told Santa that he wanted for Christmas, a rocket ship. Turns out that he played with one at Briley's house. Now, Santa must bring a rocket ship.
After breakfast, we met up with a friend and her boys to walk around the festival and watch the parade. Parker was so excited when he spotted the Kona Ice truck.
We had a wonderful weekend and I enjoyed my one on one time with Parker. The next few weeks are going to be very busy so a relaxing weekend was in order.
I'm so thankful for my precious little boy.
Christmas Program and Pajama Day
Parker has so much fun at school. He is constantly learning. I attended his Christmas program last week. Lee wasn't able to make so Jen Jen, my sister, came. Parker was dressed as a townsman. Each class took the stage to sing Christmas carols. They did a wonderful job.
Monday, December 1, 2014
Our Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving was so wonderful. More than anything, the break was much needed. I was off work for 4 glorious days and soaked in every minute of it.
The morning started off with me running 6 miles with some of the ladies in our running group. I needed to burn as many calories as possible so that I wouldn't feel bad for endulging in all the goodies.
This year we spent Thanksgiving with Lee's family. My sister-in-law hosted at her home. We all ate to much and wanted to take a nap. Parker enjoyed playing tennis and football with his daddy and cousin. He's such a monkey, always climbing something.
Now on to Christmas! It's December 1 and we haven't bought a tree. The goal is to get a tree and get it decorated this week! I'm also on Turkey Day Detox! I'm surprised my pants aren't tight after all the sugary food I ate. I feel really sluggish so back to clean eating.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Parker's First Hunting Trip
When I first found out I was pregnant, Lee and I both thought we were having a girl. I even had a dream that it was a little girl. Much to our surprise, we were having a baby boy instead. I remember seeing the tears stream from Lee's eye's. We were both thrilled. All I could think about was that Lee was going to have a fishing and hunting buddy. Parker has shown interest in hunting and we wanted to make sure he was old enough before we let him go. We bought everything camo that you could imagine. Opening season came in on Saturday so the big day was finally here. They got in the woods about 3:00 that afternoon and stayed until dark. Parker was a little disappointed that he didn't get to see a big buck. Lee said he sat there and was really quiet. They both had a wonderful time and are looking forward to their next trip together.
Just in case you're wondering, NO, Mommy DOES NOT hunt. Lee took me hunting once when we were dating and I couldn't be still or stop talking. I guess it's sad that my 4 year old can be quiet. The boy's dropped me off at a friends house in Monroeville so I spent the day shopping and reading lots of Southern Living magazines.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
These are a few of my favorite things
Today I'm linking up with April, Katie, Zelle, and Elise for the second annual These Are a Few of My Favorite Things link up. Today's topic is "Christmas Wish List" and I had so much fun putting mine together. I don't expect to receive all these items but I plan to send this to Lee to give him a little help :)
Momma is desperate need of a new pair of shoes. I'm running my third half marathon in January and I'm not sure if I can complete my training in my current shoes.
I would love a pair to wear with skinny jeans or leggings. Super cute.
Are these cute or what? It's suppose to be a cold winter here in the South so these little cuties will keep my piggies nice and warm.
I've wanted one of these bracelets.
Our coffee pot has seen better days so we are finally going to upgrade to the Keurig. This is actually a joint gift to Lee and I from our self.
There you go! Hopefully Santa will surprise me with some of these gifts this year!
What's on Your Christmas List?
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Whole 14- Round 2
Did you notice the title of my post? Yes, Whole 14. Myself, along with my co-workers are doing a mini edition to gear up for the holidays. I've been able to maintain my weight at 168.8 since I finished Whole 30 in October. My goal is to be at 164 by the end of the 14 days.
Life after whole 30 has been interesting. I've continued to follow whole 30 for the most part but added some foods that weren't approved. We've had a cool snap lately so I made Chili one night and White Chicken Chili another. Let me tell you, everytime I eat something that's not Whole 30, my stomach kills me. I feel yuck, my stomach bloats and I just don't like it. As I've said before, this is more of a lifestyle so I'm excited to see where this will take me.
I cheated several times my first round and I don't plan to do that during the next 14 days. I can do this!!!
Life after whole 30 has been interesting. I've continued to follow whole 30 for the most part but added some foods that weren't approved. We've had a cool snap lately so I made Chili one night and White Chicken Chili another. Let me tell you, everytime I eat something that's not Whole 30, my stomach kills me. I feel yuck, my stomach bloats and I just don't like it. As I've said before, this is more of a lifestyle so I'm excited to see where this will take me.
I cheated several times my first round and I don't plan to do that during the next 14 days. I can do this!!!
Tractor Birthday Fun
Parker and I made the trip to Washington County on Saturday morning. Our friend William turned 4 so we helped celebrate with a tractor party. Parker wasn't excited about the trip, he actually cried because he wanted to stay home all day. Poor baby, that's a sign that we have been way too busy as of late and need to slow down. Anyway, I told him his friend Garrett would be there and a hayride was involved. He got excited so we hit the road. I love going "home" for birthday parties because I get to see so many people that mean so much to me.
Parker and Garrett. These two are so funny. Garrett's mom is actually my cousin. Talk about a hoot, she's probably one of the funniest people that I know.
Parker's turn to hit the pinata!
The kids had a blast picking up all the candy.
This little boy loves a tractor.
Future Heart Breaker!
While on the hayride, Parker told me it was the best hayride ever! This little boy had a great time and was so happy that he decided to go.
Friday, November 7, 2014
The Fair and Halloween
Last week we went to the fair in Mobile. If you recall, we went last year to see Thomas the Train but didn't ride any rides because Parker was so small. This year was a lot different. We met up with Pamela and Briley so the boys could see TMNT and ride some rides. Parker is still a little on the short side so there were actually several that he couldn't ride, even with me with him. Next year buddy!
He loved the motorcycle and rode it several times.
My super cute SUPER HERO!!!
Pamela and I laughed because they were having so much fun in the sand box. We should have taken them to the beach, it would've been less expensive.
This is probably my favorite photo of the night. I just love that smile.
Parker and Briley were so excited about the turtles. I'm telling you, I just love being a boy mom. It's truly the best.
This is the only picture I got of Wolverine. He was so excited to trick-or-treat.
It was a super busy week and weekend. By Sunday, he was begging for a nap after church. This weekend will be a little bit more low key. My moms birthday was on Tuesday and my Granny's is today so we are making a trip to Washington County. We have a birthday party in Chatom that morning to celebrate my friend Diana's little boys' 4th birthday. Have a wonderful weekend.
Monday, November 3, 2014
A Huge PR
Happy Monday! It was brutally cold in the South on Saturday and Sunday. I ran the Senior Bowl Charity run on Saturday morning with my Sole2Soul Sisters. Last year I ran the 10K in 1:14:46 so I knew I wanted to beat my time. I ran with Susie and Sherry. I ran with Susie two weeks prior and finished my 6 miles in 1:10. I have been wanting to increase my speed and running with someone faster pushes me. My original plan was to finish in 1:08. It was pretty miserable standing around before the but by mile 1, I had to roll my sleeves up. My run started out great, I felt wonderful. By mile 2.5, my side started hurting. Oh boy, it took .5 mile for it to finally go away. When we got to mile 3, our time was a few secs shy of 32 miles. I was blown away. I've NEVER ran 3 miles that fast. I really felt good during my run and my legs were never tired. At mile 5, the radio on the side of the street was playing It's all about the Bass and it gave me the extra energy to push through. I was so please with my time. I completed my fastest 10K in 1:06:35. I was thrilled. I'm sure that my diet and weight loss has had a lot to do with my increased speed.
Here I am with my running buddies, Susie and Sherry. I'm so thankful that I had these ladies to push me. I realize now that I'm capable to do whatever I set my mind to.
This was most of our group that ran Saturday morning.
I'm so excited about my future runs. My goal has always been to be close to a 10:35 pace and I did it. Now, lets hope I can keep it up.
Friday, October 31, 2014
My Whole 30 Results and Experience
I finished up Whole 30 yesterday! I debated whether to even call it Whole 30 anymore, because I think this is going to pretty much be a lifestyle change for me. I’ll probably follow the 85-15 rule and splurge at times, but I want my main method of eating to be aligned with Whole 30.
Let’s get right to the results. I lost 6 pounds following Whole 30. That leaves me with about 13 pounds to get to my pre-pregnancy weight. I was definitely pleased with the results as far as weight loss goes, but I am also pleased with how my energy increased and how I feel better all around.
Like I said, this is going to be a lifestyle change but I plan to do Whole 30 Round 2 on January 2. I hope to shed 8 more pounds by my next round. In the beginning it was hard but after the first 2 weeks, I really began to enjoy the challenge. I've learned so much about my body and if I eat something that's not really good for me, my body lets me know. I'm looking forward to seeing more changes in my body.
Let’s get right to the results. I lost 6 pounds following Whole 30. That leaves me with about 13 pounds to get to my pre-pregnancy weight. I was definitely pleased with the results as far as weight loss goes, but I am also pleased with how my energy increased and how I feel better all around.
Like I said, this is going to be a lifestyle change but I plan to do Whole 30 Round 2 on January 2. I hope to shed 8 more pounds by my next round. In the beginning it was hard but after the first 2 weeks, I really began to enjoy the challenge. I've learned so much about my body and if I eat something that's not really good for me, my body lets me know. I'm looking forward to seeing more changes in my body.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
First Cavity
Parker had his first dental procedure! We went for a cleaning on October 6 and was told he would need a filling. Lee took off work on Monday, October 27, so I wouldn't have to miss any more work. I want to save the rest of my vacation days for the holidays. He totally surprised Lee at how well he did. The laughing gas helped =) I had never heard the laugh that came with the laughing gas and have not heard it since. He was a live wire until he finally crashed that night. Gotta love him! Dr. Kelly Jones is so great with the little ones! I give her all the credit because I know Parker would not have done this for just anyone!
The Zoo and Fun at the Park
Happy Monday! We had a wonderful weekend making lots of memories. October has been a really busy month for us so we decided to spend time as a family and do something fun on Saturday. We let Parker dedcide and the vote was for the Zoo. I took Parker to the Zoo when he was one so he doesn't remember the trip.
I took a lot of pictures with my good camera but have been lazy about uploading them to my computer. Afer the zoo, we had a yummy lunch at Acme Oyster House in Gulf Shores. Parker loves to "go somewhere". No family outing is complete without a trip to Bass Pro Shop. If you know me, you know I hate that place. I only go becuase I love my boys.
On Sunday, my mother-in-law took Parker to the park to play for about 2 hours. He was do dirty when he got home. I literally had to scrub the black gunk off his legs and feet. He had a great time and that's all that matters.
I'm so thankful that God chose me to be this little boys mom. It's the best gift ever.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Whole 30: Week 3 Recap
Three weeks? Wow, in the beginning I thought my 30 days would creep by but they have really went by fast. I've learned a lot during my three weeks. The first and most important thing for me is PATIENCE. If you recall from my week 2 recap, I was getting very discouraged because I stepped on the scales when I wasn't suppose to. Well guess what, my digital scales are messed up. HA! My husband called me on Friday and said it had him at a 8 pound weight gain in 1 week, which was not possible. There you go, be patient and don't weigh your self because it can cause a lot of harm. In the pass week, I have had so many people tell me that I look like I have lost weight. I can tell it in my clothes and face. I can't wait to finish strong and see what those scales say.
I also wanted to mention that my pace has gotten faster during my runs. I typically run 3 min/ walk 1 but this past weekend I ran 6 miles and only walked once. That is huge for me. Now, I just have to keep it up.
I also wanted to mention that my pace has gotten faster during my runs. I typically run 3 min/ walk 1 but this past weekend I ran 6 miles and only walked once. That is huge for me. Now, I just have to keep it up.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Whole 30: Week 2 Review
Week two of the Whole 30 is under my belt and I've moved into week three!!! Can I get a Amen.
The physical results that I'm seeing are wonderful. Clothes that were fitting tightly and were almost unwearable a couple of weeks ago fit well or are loose now. While my stomach has a LONG way to go before it's truly flat, it is much flatter today. My skin looks great. I'm sleeping well.
Okay, now I have to be honest and confess. I WEIGHED! I told my husband to hide the scales and I found them while cleaning on Saturday and I've gained 3 pounds. I should have put them back. I was depressed about the scale going up but I didn't through in the towel. Fast forward to Monday, I was still a little depressed so I ate 3 mini twix. I felt guilty and then it made me sick. I assume it was all the sugar.
So, today is a new day and I'm going to ROCK week 3. I've also decided to increase my running until I'm finished with the challenge.
Have a wonderful week.
The physical results that I'm seeing are wonderful. Clothes that were fitting tightly and were almost unwearable a couple of weeks ago fit well or are loose now. While my stomach has a LONG way to go before it's truly flat, it is much flatter today. My skin looks great. I'm sleeping well.
Okay, now I have to be honest and confess. I WEIGHED! I told my husband to hide the scales and I found them while cleaning on Saturday and I've gained 3 pounds. I should have put them back. I was depressed about the scale going up but I didn't through in the towel. Fast forward to Monday, I was still a little depressed so I ate 3 mini twix. I felt guilty and then it made me sick. I assume it was all the sugar.
So, today is a new day and I'm going to ROCK week 3. I've also decided to increase my running until I'm finished with the challenge.
Have a wonderful week.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Whole30 Week 1
Oh my goodness, I made it the first full week. I'm not going to sit here and say it was easy, because it wasn't. The food you eat is the easy part, it's those darn sugar cravings that will get you. We ate healthy prior to Whole30 but I also had Coke Zero and other sugary snacks. My office had Krispy Kreme donuts and Panera Bread bagels this week and I wasn't tempted at all. One of the ladies I work with bought me a bowl of fruit to have since she knew I wouldn't eat the bad stuff. It's gotten easier but I still find myself wanting to eat all the bad Halloween treats that I see in the store or on Pintrest. Okay, here is a breakdown of how I felt each day:
Day 1- Everything was fine until around 2:30. My head started hurting really bad. I think it was a combination of sinus stuff and no caffeine.
Day 2- Woke up with a splitting headache. Still, I think it is a combination of sinus and no caffeine. Hopefully it will end soon.
Day 3- I felt really good through out the day.
Day 4- I did really well but I had a wedding that night. I knew going into this challenge, I would cheat for dinner. The food was pretty healthy and I had a small piece of grooms cake. I felt sick to my stomach on the drive home. I'm sure it was the sugar.
Day 5- This was the worst day. I wanted to cheat and eat everything in sight.......but I didn't. Oh, I was really moody. Just ask my hubby.
Day 6- All I wanted to do was go home and go to bed. I felt really tired. I'm not eating enough I guess because I was hungry all day long.
Day 7- Felt really good and my stomach seems less bloated. Less bloat makes me really happy!
I think I will have success with the challenge. I put on a skirt that use to be a little snug and today it's really loose. Well, today starts week two so I will update you next week.
Day 1- Everything was fine until around 2:30. My head started hurting really bad. I think it was a combination of sinus stuff and no caffeine.
Day 2- Woke up with a splitting headache. Still, I think it is a combination of sinus and no caffeine. Hopefully it will end soon.
Day 3- I felt really good through out the day.
Day 4- I did really well but I had a wedding that night. I knew going into this challenge, I would cheat for dinner. The food was pretty healthy and I had a small piece of grooms cake. I felt sick to my stomach on the drive home. I'm sure it was the sugar.
Day 5- This was the worst day. I wanted to cheat and eat everything in sight.......but I didn't. Oh, I was really moody. Just ask my hubby.
Day 6- All I wanted to do was go home and go to bed. I felt really tired. I'm not eating enough I guess because I was hungry all day long.
Day 7- Felt really good and my stomach seems less bloated. Less bloat makes me really happy!
I think I will have success with the challenge. I put on a skirt that use to be a little snug and today it's really loose. Well, today starts week two so I will update you next week.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Dentist Visit and a Check-Up
Parker had dentist appointment yesterday to get his teeth cleaned. He did very good and has 1 cavity. We got back in three weeks to get it fixed. According to his dentist, he will more than likely have overcrowding and need braces in the future. It could change, my luck it will not. Poor guy, he has his Mommy's teeth gene. Because he was a super good patient, he got 2 prizes.
He had his 4 year-old check-up this morning and got 2 shots and the flu mist. Those shots really hurt and he cried. He's a tough little guy but I know it hurt.
Oh the joys of turning a year older. Hopefully no more shots for another year.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
#Whole30 Challenge
For the month of October, I'm going to attempt to complete the Whole30 challenge. I've heard a lot about Whole30 in the last few months so I decided to jump on the bandwagon. To tell you the truth, I'm actually really excited about the challenge. Lee and I eat pretty clean but I'm hoping I can kick the Coke Zero habit and control my sugar intake. Funny thing, Lee will actually fuss about how much sugar is in food so this is the perfect challenge for him.
After reading Jennifer's post about her success with the challenge, I was really excited and knew I could do it. If you have been reading my blog for a while, you know I have struggled to loose weight since I had Parker......4 years ago. I'm a runner but that doesn't mean I'm going to be skinny. I honestly believe that your diet has more of an impact on your weight loss than exercising. As of this morning, I weigh 174. My goal is to get back to 140-145 but I will be very happy to weigh 155 which is what I weighed at my first appointment after finding out I was pregnant. I carry most of my weight in my stomach so I pray that not having sugar will help.
Okay, have you ever made your own mayo? I knew I wanted to have chicken salad for lunch so I found a Whole30 approved mayo recipe. After reading all the comments, I was scared to death. Most people have multiple failed attempts before they get it right. GUESS WHAT! This girl got it right on the first try. I was so excited. The key is patience. You have to drizzle 1 cup of oil, which took me 8 minutes.
After reading Jennifer's post about her success with the challenge, I was really excited and knew I could do it. If you have been reading my blog for a while, you know I have struggled to loose weight since I had Parker......4 years ago. I'm a runner but that doesn't mean I'm going to be skinny. I honestly believe that your diet has more of an impact on your weight loss than exercising. As of this morning, I weigh 174. My goal is to get back to 140-145 but I will be very happy to weigh 155 which is what I weighed at my first appointment after finding out I was pregnant. I carry most of my weight in my stomach so I pray that not having sugar will help.
Okay, have you ever made your own mayo? I knew I wanted to have chicken salad for lunch so I found a Whole30 approved mayo recipe. After reading all the comments, I was scared to death. Most people have multiple failed attempts before they get it right. GUESS WHAT! This girl got it right on the first try. I was so excited. The key is patience. You have to drizzle 1 cup of oil, which took me 8 minutes.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Let's Talk About Fall
I'm linking up with Lauren today for a little Fall survey. I love Fall and it's almost like it has it's own smell. Here in South Alabama, Fall doesn't seem to last long enough.
Okay, here we go
1. Three words that
come to your mind when you think of Fall.
pumpkins, leaves
2. Your go to Fall outfit
Cotton top, leggings, flats
3. Favorite Fall candle scent
pumpkin or hazelnut
4.Your go to Fall
Scarf and gray/brown nail polish
5.Your go to Fall beverage
I love apple cider.
6. Any Fall festivities coming up for you??
We love to go to Wales West. You can ride a train and it takes you to this building that looks like a train station where the kids can decorate a pumpkin. We go for Christmas also and the train goes to the North Pole. It's so much fun.
7. Do you go to a pumpkin
8. Have you ever been to a corn maze?
No, but we may do that this year.
9. Favorite Halloween movie??
Not really sure I have a favorite Halloween movie. Now, I'm all about some Christmas movies on Hallmark.
10. Halloween, thanksgiving or Christmas??
11. Did you enjoy this survey??
12. Favorite thing about Fall?
The turning of the leaves.
13. Is Fall your
favorite season?
Oh Yes!
I'm a runner so Fall means cooler runs. I struggle during the summer with my runs so I'm looking forward to easier runs, that is until Old Man Winter returns. I actually love running in the winter, it sure beats the hot humid runs in the summer.
Hump Day! Please feel free to do this survey and share your answers as
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
TMNT Birthday Party
How is it possible that I have a Four Year Old? Time is flying by. Parker loves the TMNT so we decided to have a Turtle party at Kangarooz. He told me that it was the best party ever. That made me so happy to hear. Sorry for the picture quality, these are from my iPhone.
He had a great time celebrating with all his little friends. I'm so blessed to have this little boy call me Mommy. I had no clue that I could love anyone the way I love my son. GOD IS GOOD!
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