Saturday, November 23, 2013
Another 10
I really think my body is designed for distance running. My breathing has become much easier to control. I should have mentioned even I first started training for my half that I use the 3:1, run 3 walk 1. This works best for me.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Thanksgiving Feast
Parker had his Thanksgiving Feast at school yesterday during lunch time. Parents were invited, so I got to hang out with this cutie pie!
Look at that precious smile!!!
Parker and his partner in crime, Cullen.
It was such a fun time to spend with Parker. I'm so blessed to be his mommy and love being able to attend special events at his school.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Vonnie Nadine Godbold
Vonnie Nadine Godbold, age 77, born in Frisco City, AL and a
resident of Bay Minette, AL died Tuesday, October 22, 2013 at North Baldwin
Infirmary. She was a retired grocery store owner.
She is survived by one daughter, Linda Rollin of Rowlett, TX; one sister,
Sybile DeLoach of Bay Minette, AL; four grandchildren and seven great
Graveside services and burial will be held Thursday, October 24, 2013 at 1:00
p.m. at Coy Cemetery in Coy, Alabama with Reverend Tommy Primm officiating.
The family will receive friends Wednesday, October 23, 2013 from 6:00 p.m.
until 9:00 p.m. at Norris Funeral Home.
I have been meaning to post that Lee's grandmother lost her battle with cancer on October 22, but I'm just now getting around to it. It's hard to believe it has been a month since she went to her eternal home. I'm sure it was a wonderful homecoming when she joined her husband, Paw Paw Roy. He passed away of cancer 3 years prior to Lee and I dating. Everyone said that he would have loved me, and I'm sure he would have. Parker knows that she is "up in the moon" with all of his Paw Paw's. He tells me that she is sleeping and that she looked so pretty. Oh, I'm fighting back tears as I type. I miss her so much. She was my buddy and we both shared a love for cooking. I learned a lot about her at her funeral. She was such a Godly woman, loved kids and doing for others. When Lee was growing up, every Sunday she would have all of the youth over at her house for softball and other sports. She loved Gospel music and would often load the youth up and head to Tuscaloosa for a gospel singing. For some reason, this was never mentioned to me. The first week was hard, the 2 week mark was my hardest day but now things are getting better. I know she is in a better place. We love you Maw Maw!
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Scott Ward Memorial Fit for Duty 5k
I ran the Scott Ward Memorial Fit for Duty 5k this morning. Scott was killed in the line of duty on Black Friday last year when he responded to a domestic disturbance call. Scott believed in fitness and healthy nutrition. He was a great supporter for the Baldwin County Sheriff's Office Explorer Program and the Shining Star Camp. It was an honor to run with some of the men and women who put their life on the line for our protection every day.
It was really muggy this morning but I was able to PR. My pace was around 11.33 and I finished in 34.36. I was very proud. I ran 5 miles on Friday morning for a total of 8 miles for the week.
My half marathon is in 2 weeks. I'm excited and nervous but ready to ROCK IT!!!
It was really muggy this morning but I was able to PR. My pace was around 11.33 and I finished in 34.36. I was very proud. I ran 5 miles on Friday morning for a total of 8 miles for the week.
My half marathon is in 2 weeks. I'm excited and nervous but ready to ROCK IT!!!
Monday, November 11, 2013
10 Miles
I'm so proud of myself and all of my running buddies. Some of us are training for a half and other's are training for a full marathon. I ran 10 miles early Saturday morning and I must say, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I'm not going to lie, the last .8 of a mile like to have killed me. I really struggled but pushed through it. My half is three weeks away. I'm excited and nervous.
I committed to 50 miles in November for the Pile on the Miles challenge. Her are my results so far:
Week 1 (11/1-11/2): 6 Miles
Week 2: (11/3-11/9): 10 Miles
Have a great week!
Randy turn's 40
On Saturday, we went to the Farm to celebrate our friend Randy's 40th birthday. It was a great day filled with football, good food and a band. Randy didn't have a clue about the party. Our friends, Matt & Amy, have some hunting property in Monroe County and it's way back in the woods. You have no cell phone signal unless you stand in the perfect spot.
Matt & Amy went to a fundraiser last year for Auburn's Nursing program. Matt bought a tree and Pat Dye came to the farm to dedicate it. If you're an Auburn fan, the best part of a win was to roll the oak trees at Toomer's Corner. It was a tradition. After the win against Tennessee, we rolled the tree!
(Sonya, Me, Randy, Amy and Shannon)
It was a great weekend! Lee and I are so blessed to have such wonderful friends. WAREAGLE!!!
Friday, November 8, 2013
Five on Friday- A Whole Lotta Random
Happy Friday!!! It's been a super busy week so I am very happy that today is Friday.
We are going to the Farm tomorrow to celebrate a friend's 40th Birthday! My Mother-in-Law is watching Parker so it will be nice to escape for the day and be surround by adults. We will be watching football, eating and a band will be there in the afternoon to play. It should be a great day!
10 Mile run tomorrow morning at 4:30. I know it's silly but I really do enjoy waking up at the crack of dawn to meet my friends and pound the pavement.
Parker's daycare is preparing for their Christmas program. Parker's class has three songs so we practice at home every night. It's so cute and this momma is giddy about the fact that he will be in a Christmas program.
I want these boots so bad. I hope I can find them on sale for Black Friday!
Dunkin' Donuts opened this week in Daphne. Lee and I have been very excited and we plan to make a stop at some point this weekend!
Okay, have a great weekend!!!
Monday, November 4, 2013
Senior Bowl Charity Run
Saturday morning I ran a local 10K race....the Senior Bowl Charity Run! A ton of my Sole2Soul Sisters were running this race. The weather was perfect. My official time was 1:14:46. That is under a 12 minute mile, which was my goal. I'm not sure what was wrong with my body but it wasn't feeling the run at all. I had a horrible headache after the race which went on all day long. Every time I would eat something, I would feel sick to my stomach. My body was hydrated so I'm still trying to figure out what may have caused me to feel like that.
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