I've thought a lot about this post and wasn't sure if I should put this out there or not. This post is a little deep for me but maybe someone can relate and give me advice. Who knows!
Okay, I've decided that my one resolution for 2015 is to focus more on myself. I'm so guilty of putting everyone else ahead of my needs, especially since I had Parker. I think that is actually normal. I remember telling my mom when I was in high school that she didn't have to buy me stuff and that I wanted her to spend some money on herself. The same goes for my sister. I didn't realize just how hard that would actually be until I became a mother. See, somewhere in the past 5 years, I lost myself. Really, I have. I've often found my self saying "who am I?"
I've always been pretty strong in my faith, or at least I thought I was. The past 5 years have been really hard. You know the old saying, what doesn't kill you will make you stronger? Well, it's actually true. God has put us through some pretty hard things and we've had to make some of the hardest decisions we've ever had to make. But, I, well WE, have learned a lot. I do feel that I'm stronger and still getting stronger. I couldn't have asked for a better partner to do this life with. Lee really has been my rock when I needed him the most.
Since 2010, I've made decisions to make my family happy. What was best for my family of three. But, did those decisions actually make Christy happy? Mostly, yes, but partly no. If you're getting my drift, you can figure out that the making me happy part has a lot to do with my job. I've been in finance sales for 13 years. I have a Bachelors in Business Administration. I love finance but in the past few years, I have found that my heart really isn't in to the sales piece anymore. I love, like really love, people but part of me is tired of dealing with the customer service part it. If you don't deal with the direct public, you really don't know what you're missing. Let me tell you, 60 & 70 year old people should be ashamed by how they act. I'm also a people pleaser and hate to rock the boat. I'm working on this part of my life my trying to make some changes to make me happy 8-5, Monday-Friday. Hopefully, I will report back on this in a few weeks with some great news. We shall see.
While trying to discover who I am this year, I hoping to grow my faith even deeper. I finally took a step to get more involved in my church. Most churches have small groups, bible study, etc., but our church calls them Fusion Groups. I've joined an all women's group that will meet on Monday's at 8:00PM at Panera Bread. This really fits my schedule. I can come home, cook dinner, clean and still spend time with Parker before I have to leave. I'm praying this group will help me find myself also.
I know this is kind of all over the place but it's real. I'm also reading "You're Already Amazing". This book came highly recommended and I'm loving it so far. So, here's to 2015, a year about Christy!

Friday, January 23, 2015
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Friday Night Fun
Parker is at such a fun age and is big enough to do lots of fun things. Friday night, we met the Johnston's at Mellow Mushroom for dinner. Parker and Briley are best buddies, just like their Mommy's. I love that my best friend and I had children close in age so that they could play together.
After dinner, we headed over to Eastern Shore Lanes for a game of Laser Tag and played in the arcade room. The big boys had just as much fun as the little ones.
Parker's school was closed on Monday so I took the day off. It's always fun to have a little one-on-one time with my sweet boy. We started the day off with a visit to the Dermatologist. Parker has been having some really dry skin and also some little bumps on his legs. She suggested we start using a cream instead of a lotion and to stop using the kids smell good type bath wash. She wants me to use regular Dove soap. Parker is so funny about the cream. After his bath, I will tell him to bring me the lotion and he says "No, Mommy, it's cream!" He also had a bump that appeared close to his elbow on Friday and was complaining that it hurt. We had decided to just keep it covered since he had the appointment on Monday. Dermatologist confirmed it was Staph, for the THIRD time. So, she wrote him out a prescription for an antibiotic to take for the next 7 days.
Work has been crazy but I'm thankful for a 4 day work week and already looking forward to the weekend.
Monday, January 12, 2015
Running Buddy
Last week my niece called to ask me if I would run a 1.2 mile fun run with her. I was so honored that she asked me. She recently joined her schools running club because she wants to run like her Aunt Chris. She's so sweet. Emilee is my sister's oldest daughter. When she was younger, she would come to my house to visit and would go missing. We could always find her in my closest wearing my high heel shoes. She's always been "my girl!" My sister swears she could have been my child. LOL, acts just like me too.
Before the race. She was a little nervous but excited.
I'm happy, she's about to pass out!
We finished!!!
I was so proud of her accomplishment. She didn't think she would finish but I just kelp encouraging her.
The after picture!
I hope I didn't push her to hard and that she'll ask me to join her for another race. Love this sweet girl so much and I'm so proud of her.
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