Dear Lord, Lead me to make choices that bring You glory and allow me to experience the life You intended for me.
It's so true! I try to make the right decisions because what ever I do, I want to give Him all the glory for it.
In other news, my child is trying to give me a heart attack. I picked him up from daycare yesterday and I grabbed his hand to walk to the car. He got mad and let my hand go. I went to grab it back and he took off running. I look up and a truck is coming through the parking lot and I scream. He stops and I grab him. Luckily, the guy in the truck was looking and going really slow. I put Parker in the car and tell him I will be reporting this to his daddy. He at that point starts crying. I go into my spill about how that truck could hit him and he may not see mommy and daddy again. Yes, a little harsh words for a 2 year old toddler. I got his attention and he just boo hoo'd. The thought just brought me to tears.
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