Monday, June 4, 2012

Ice Cream and Bass Pro Shop

I took Parker to Chick-fil-a for ice cream for the first time.  He is so much fun at this age.  I must admit, I'm a little sad that my baby will turn two in three short months.

 Mom, this stuff is good!

Parker loves to watch the fish at Bass Pro Shop.
I enjoy spending so much time with my sweet man.  June is going to be a busy month, so I should have plenty of pictures to share.  Have a great week.


  1. I forget Chickfila has ice cream! I need to start trading his kid's meal toy for an ice cream cone. Does your chickfila do that? I think Westin would appreciate the ice cream much more than a book. Haha!

    1. I'm not sure if they do or not. I love their kids ice cream because it's small and you can get it in a cup or a cone. Oh, the best part is it's under a $1.
