Tuesday, December 21, 2010
It's been a while
I can't believe it's been 5 months since I posted. I promise I will get better at keeping everyone posted on what's going on with Parker. My sweet little boy is almost 4 months old. Where does the time go? He is the cutest thing ever. He thinks he is such a big boy and loves to "stand" in your lap. I will post this weekend with a Christmas recap. Merry Christmas!!!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Happy 1st Birthday Briley!!!

One year ago today my best friend had her first baby. It was a day of joy and emotions. I stayed in contact with Pamela's sister all day to see what the progress was and after work I headed to the hospital. Pamela ended up having an emergency c-section around 8:30 that night and little Briley was born. He has brought so much joy to their family. Lee and I have also enjoyed this little stinker. He is so much fun and I can't wait for Parker and Briely to grow up together. I love you Briley!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
31 week appointment
I had my 31 week appointment today. Everything looks good. Parker is still measuring ahead by 2 weeks. I asked my doctor if she would let me go past my due date and if so how far before she would induce. She said she would not let me go past a week so we went ahead and gave Parker an eviction notice. My due date is September 4th and if he still has not arrived by then she will admit me on the night of the 7th and he will be here on the 8th. I really don't think I will make it until September but in case I do it is nice to have a plan. I hope everyone had a great 4th of July!
How far along: 31 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 25 pounds. I put on 6 pounds in 2 weeks and I freaked out a little . Dr. Rogers told me to relax because she was happy I was finally gaining weight because I usually gain a pound or two.
Stretch marks: I found 2 stretch marks on the left side of my back last week.
Sleep: sleep..........what is that?
Movement: This little boy is so active. I love how he likes to move at night. He hates it when I'm on my right side so he will kick me until I move. LOL, yes he is a little demanding.
Food cravings: Water, water and more water. I did have a craving for Krispy Kreme so Lee bought me a dozen. I'm sure that added to that 6 pound weight gain.
Gender: Boy- Parker Lee
Labor signs: Nothing so far.
Belly Button in or out: still in but very shallow.
What I miss: sleep and being able to clean my house within a couple of hours. It now takes me all day!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Finally joined the blog world
I wanted to create this blog so that family and friends can watch Parker grow. I will be 31 weeks tomorrow. I can't believe he will be here in 9 more weeks. Lee and I are so excited about welcoming Parker into our family.
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