Saturday, March 29, 2014

Rock N Fly Half Marathon

I ran my second half marathon today in Pensacola, Florida.  We had really bad weather all day Friday and it finally moved out of the area by 4:00 this morning.  The race was delayed an hour due to the weather so start time was 9.  I started out feeling great but at around mile 3.5 I felt some pain in the upper right side of m stomach.  The pain was so bad that I had to walk.  My sweet friend, Paige, stayed with me.  The pain got better but still hurt pretty bad.  We ran and walked to around mile 7 and the I noticed my feet were killing me and that I felt a swish every time my foot touch the pavement.  I stopped and removed my shoe and sock to find that I had a blister on BOTH feet.  It got so bad that I could not run but had to walk on the side of my foot.  It was horrible.  The entire race was horrible.  Not only did I have personal issues but they were out of water at 2 or 3 water stops, the route we ran was basically at a slant the entire time ( I rather run hills than feel wopsided), it was hot and well it was HOT!  I enjoyed running with my running group and the wonder lunch afterwards.  Needless to say, I think I'm done with half marathons until November.  My first half in December was horrible and this one was also.  I kind of think that I wasn't ment to run 13.1 miles.  So, we shall see.  

Before the race.  I decided to run lady minute in someone else's place so I didn't have an outfit to wear.

Oh My Gosh, these guys made it worth the race.  The Navy sponsored the race and we ran on base.  

Jenni and I!

Oh, this is what happens when you have a sticker on your face and get way to much sun.  

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Happy first day of Spring!  

~Fairhope Pier~

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

10 Things I’ve learned being a Mom of a Boy

I came across this list on a post from Even A Girl Like Me and it describes my life as a mom to Parker.  When I first found out I was pregnant, I deep down wanted a girl.  Everyone said they thought I would have a girl and she would be dressed to a "T".  FYI, I'm a girly girl.  A girl name was so easy for us to pick out but it took a while to agree on a boy name.  Then on the big day, we found out it was a boy!  My husband was thrilled and so was I but I was a little worried because I didn't know what to do with a boy.  I have a younger brother so I remembered a little from us growing up but I was rusty.  My sister has two girls so I had plenty of practice with them.  Let me tell you, there is nothing like being a boy mom.  This list is totally what my life is like being a boy mom.  Parker has completely stole my heart.     Enjoy!

  1. They have one level of volume LOUD.
  2. They eat… constantly.
  3. They will find dirt where no dirt has ever been found.
  4. They wear cleats in the house.
  5. They run everywhere they go.
  6. They have an inhuman burst of energy around 7:30 p.m. and it’s best to let them get it out before attempting bedtime.
  7. They are surprisingly sensitive.
  8. They laugh at anything that involves “potty words.”
  9. They are incredibly curious, making everything an adventure.
  10. They love their mama.
  11. They potty train successfully when allowed to hit a target (preferably outside… like on a tree or off the deck. Yep, I’m that mom)
  12. They will wake up on the weekend an hour before the sun comes up, but you will not be able to drag them out of bed for school.
  13. They have to be reminded multiple times a day to, lift the toilet seat, put the toilet seat down, flush the toilet, wash their hands…with soap, and to keep their pants on.
  14. They smell like wet puppies after playing outside. Whether it be for 5 minutes or 2 hours.
  15. They consider anytime a good time to get dirty.
  16. They don’t understand why I would ever want to have privacy.
  17. They give real hugs. Not the ones where you barely connect. The ones that squeeze all your breath out.
  18. They use any opportunity to be naked. The less clothes, the better.
  19. They take everything apart (including jewelry, lingerie drawers and large purses) in order to put it back together so they understand how it works (even if it doesn’t go back together.)
  20. They crave love, affection, encouragement, admiration and security as much as any of us girls do, they just don’t show it or need it expressed in the same way.
  21. They need the freedom to be boys.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Fire Station Birthday Fun

Yesterday morning, we helped celebrate Pierce's 3rd birthday at the Spanish Fort Fire Station.  Parker had a great time.  He loves fire trucks.  

That smile melts my heart!
Look Mommy, I'm a strong boy!
Future Firefighter and Engine Driver!
Spanish Fort's new truck!
Talking fire safety!
Too high for me.  
Explaining what each piece of equipment is to the kids.

The party started at 9 so afterwards Parker and I made a quick trip to Walmart before it started raining. We've had some nasty weather already this morning and we are expecting more this throughout the day.  Have a wonderful Sunday.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

28 Years

March 13, 1986 will be a day that I will never forget.  March 12, 1986 we went to bed, a mother, a father, 5 year old, 4 year old and a 18 month old.  24 hours later, we would go to bed a widow and three small children. 

I was in kindergarten and was out for Spring Break that week.  The morning of March 13, I woke up really early to find that my dad was in the bathroom and had been sick that morning.  I remember begging my dad not to go to work, but he did.  My mom got a phone call that no one ever wants to get.  My dad had been in a serious accident at work and was rushed to a near by hospital in Meridian, Mississippi.  My mom along with other family members made it to the hospital in time to see my dad before he passed away.  My mom was in her early 20's with three small children.  Wow, looking back, I'm not sure how she did it.  I remember one of my aunts holding me while I cried my eye's out, so many people coming in and out of our house bringing food and just to be there for us.  I was 5 and it was hard but I seem to struggle more as I have gotten older.  See, with me being so young, my dad missed KINDERGARTEN GRADUATION, MIDDLE SCHOOL DANCE, HIGH SCHOOL PROM'S, HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION, COLLEGE GRADUATION, WALKING ME DOWN THE ISLE AND THE BIRTH OF MY SON.  Tying this is hard.  My eye's are filled with tears.  28 years later, I still cry myself to sleep sometimes, think of my dad every day, talk about him all the time and still hear funny stories about him.  People often tell me that the world needs more people like my dad.  He had a heart of gold and would give the shirt off his back or his last dollar to someone if they were in need.  I miss him so much. 

My mom remarried 2 years after my dad passed and we were lucky to have such a wonderful step-dad but I would give anything to still have my dad here with me.  I love you daddy and can't wait to the day that you meet me at the Golden Gates of Heaven.    

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Hello March

Oh dear, I sure hope the cold weather will be ending soon.  It has been really cold in South Alabama and this mama is ready for some flip flop weather.  Monster Jam came to Pensacola, Florida so we took P to see it.  This was our third time to go see them.  Captain America was there so P was in heaven.  Overall, it was a great show.  After the show, we had an early dinner at McGuire's Irish Pub.  They have the best steak around.  There were three ladies at the table next to us and they had so much fun talking with Parker.  He's such a ladies man.

Captain America.  This is probably my favorite Monster Truck.  


Mommy and Parker.  

Grave Digger The Legend

Chad Fortune is the driver of Captain America.  He is super tall.  I believe they said he was 6'6.  

War Wagon

I love seeing my little man so happy.  After the show, he told Lee and I that it was the best day.  Oh, what a smile that put on my face.  I love that kid so much. 

Have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


If you're from the South, you know today is Fat Tuesday.  What that means is basically it's a holiday.  Lots of businesses are closed and there will be lots of parades.  When I worked for Corparate America I had to work and now that I work for a small business, Mommy has the day off.  So what do I decide to do on my day off?  My alarm went off at 3:45 so that I could meet 2 friends and ride to our meeting place for a 3 mile run.  We started at 4:30 and it was COLD!  My pace has been close to 12:00 lately so I was thrilled to see that our pace was 11:23 this morning.  I do a 3 minute run/1 minute walk do if I didn't do that, my pace and time would be really awesome.  

I was home by 5:40, showered and now I'm relaxing, drinking a cup of coffee and catching up on last nights episode of Private Lives/Nashville Wives.  What a morning!  Happy Mardi Gras!!!